"I wanna learn French again!"

If you’ve studied a language in school and want to pick it up again, or you’ve studied on your own, taken a break, and now you’re ready to study again, then this one’s for you.
Keep reading for some tips on how to include review sessions into your study plan!
The Action Plan:
There are so many ways to tackle this challenge. Here’s one of the simpler ways to do it:
First, gather all of your old study materials. Now’s the time to look through your old workbooks, grammar books, notebooks, quizlets (or flashcard resources), or anything else you used before you took your break. Make a list of key expressions, vocabulary words, and grammar points you’re with. Be honest with yourself, and if you’re willing to go the extra mile, rate how familiar you are with each concept.
Don’t have those older resources? Create your “old study list” by looking through some general topics and seeing which key expressions, vocabulary words, and grammar points you remember from each topic.
Once you have your old study materials, you should look through your lists and figure out what you need to review. Here’s how to do it:
1. What do you want to do with the language?
Not sure? Then take a few minutes to do our free quiz here.
2. What are your current weak points, or what do you notice you need to work on?
Forming longer sentences? Connecting words/phrases? Vocabulary for a specific topic? Those pesky pronouns and prepositions?
3. What are your favorite ways to review?
Watching Youtube lessons? Rewriting notes? Worksheets? Tutoring/Language exchange? These are just some examples, but if you want to see which activities could work best for your study plan, take a look at the free quiz here.
4. How often do you feel you need to focus on these review sessions?
Honestly, you know yourself best. We recommend adding at least one review session a week to your future study plan. This way, during the other weekly study sessions you can focus on learning new things.
Finally, use all of your answers to sit and create a study plan that balances review sessions with new sessions. Here, too, you know yourself best. Remember that your study plan is unique and can be flexible. You might start with 2 review sessions a week, and later realize that you don’t need them anymore. You might also start with 1 review session a month and realize you need to review more. Don’t be afraid to change your plan as you’re using it to find a balance that works for you! It’s your journey, so keep it interesting and useful!
** To take the free quizzes for finding your learning style and defining your goals, click here! **
If you’ve taken a break from a certain language and you wanna pick it up again, follow these steps:
Gather your study materials (or create your “old study list”)
Figure out what you want to review by answering the questions above
Create a study plan that balances review sessions with the new sessions
Game over!
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Need more? Check out our resources for PDFs, resource instructions, and a sneak peak of the content in our Spade Language Playing Cards!
Ok, now it's really done! Happy learning!
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